伊克夫,男,蒙古族,89年生,籍贯内蒙古鄂尔多斯,于2022年8月入职内蒙古大学永利娱高ylg060net-中国App Store;研究方向为实证资产定价(股票截面收益率差异研究)、能源金融学。
2008-2012 天津师范大学 学士
2012-2014 班戈大学 硕士
2014-2016 渤海银行 客户经理
2016-2018 天津体育学院 行政
2018-2022 对外经济贸易大学 博士
1.Alleviating role of energy innovation on resource curse a case of OECD countries. [J]CARBON MANAGEMENT(通讯作者)
2.Do technological innovation, natural resources and stock market development promote environmental sustainability? Novel evidence based on the load capacity factor. [J]RESOURCES POLICY(通讯作者).
3.Heterogenous influence of productive capacities pillars and natural resources on ecological sustainability in developing Belt and Road host countries.[J]RESOURCES POLICY(通讯作者).
4.Linking corporate social responsibility and energy poverty: An environmental sustainability paradigm.[J]ENERGY&ENVIRONMENT(通讯作者).
5.The Multi-factor Quantitative Investment Model Based on Association Rule Mining and Machine Learning[J]. WIRELESS COMMUNICATIONS & MOBILE COMPUTING(第一作者).
省部级青年基金项目:基本面量化投资:价值投资、行为金融与系统性风险--基于上证 A 股数据的研究,主持